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Our solutions

From the viewpoint of cost recuctive distribution solutions, we look for the most suitable system together with the customer.


Vendimat is specialised in the automatic distribution of your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) via PPE vending machines, MRO-products, tools and other consumables. That way your employees have access to the required products at all time and 24/7 !


Vendimat will never provide the PPE or MRO materials and tools. This enables you to choose freely which products (of any supplier) will be distributed automatically with our automatic dispensing systems.


In addition we also provide a safe storage and registered  lending of your most precious possessions. Electrical devices, laptops, tablets and other materials can now be easily managed with you electronical lockers.


Lastly you can also easily manage your vehicle fleet and keys with your automatic key cabinets.


Did you know...

Did you know that all of our solutions can be used with your company badge?

We always try to use the existing company bagdes. In that way you don't have to unnecessarily issue extra badges to your employees. We are more than willing to check how we can modify our badge readers according to your badges.


Are you currently not using RFID company badges yet?

We can also provide you with personalized badges.



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